In an effort to help our members to develop their sales skills, NIWA arranges to participate in several events each year. Generally, our event season begins in May and ends in December. These events provide opportunities for members to get their titles in front of the public.
There are four ways members can participate in events:
Whichever way you wish to participate, members must sign up via the website EVENTS pages.
The deadline for signing up is 1 week prior to the event OR once the book limit is reached.
The deadline for signing up is 1 week prior to the event OR once the book limit is reached.
A. No matter which participation level you sign up for, members must prepare their books before the event.
B. Based on the size of the booth/table at the event, the number of titles will be capped to prevent overcrowding.
C. The number of copies of each title is determined by the number of days of the event and the sales history of the event.
Typically this may mean:
A. No matter which participation level you sign up for, members must prepare their books before the event.
- All books are to be labeled with the price. You might want to place the sticker on the back cover, this will encourage people to pick it up and turn it over to the blurb side. You may wish to purchase removeable stickers such as found on (
- Members are to set the price of their books at the beginning of the year and leave them at that price. No changes can be made to your price once the event season begins. This prevents complications at checkout during events.
- Members may wish to bundle their books (tie with a ribbon) and offer them at a discounted price. We have found over the years that people like a discount. Your bundles don't have to be books in a series. Bundles have to be brought to storage or the event already tied/boxed together. Staff will not do it for you. Additionally, bundles CAN NOT be undone at events and books sold separately.
B. Based on the size of the booth/table at the event, the number of titles will be capped to prevent overcrowding.
C. The number of copies of each title is determined by the number of days of the event and the sales history of the event.
Typically this may mean:
For individual titles/books:
For bundled books:
D. If you are NOT storing your books with NIWA's storage
- You must deliver your books to the event during the set-up time.
- At the close of the event, you must return and pick them up any unsold books. Your unsold books WILL NOT BE TAKEN TO STORAGE OR HOME WITH ANOTHER STAFF MEMBER.*
- If you have signed up to work a shift and are not storing your books with NIWA storage, once your shift is over, you must take your unsold copies with you or return to the booth at the close of the event to pick them up. Your unsold books WILL NOT BE TAKEN TO STORAGE OR HOME WITH ANOTHER MEMBER.*
** PLEASE NOTE: We are constantly trying to simplify the signup process. The following applies to the process for 2024 **
E. There are three steps to signing up for an event:
Regarding table fees: members have until 1 week prior to the event to pay their table fees otherwise their books will be pulled from the event.
Table fees can be paid online or by check (mailed to: NIWA, PO BOX 1171, Redmond, OR 97756. Include a note explaining how the money is to be applied.
- Sign up to take the Lead or help staff the booth.
- Sign up your Titles/Books.
- Pay your table fees.
Regarding table fees: members have until 1 week prior to the event to pay their table fees otherwise their books will be pulled from the event.
Table fees can be paid online or by check (mailed to: NIWA, PO BOX 1171, Redmond, OR 97756. Include a note explaining how the money is to be applied.
- Since these are NIWA events, it is the expectation that In-Person participants will do their best to sell all titles with the same enthusiasm as they do their own.
- In-person participants are not to hover over their personal books but move around so they can help visitors to our booth.
- In-person participants should greet the visitors and ask them what they like to read, then direct them to the area on the table where they can peruse their preferred genre.
- NEVER should ANYONE talk a potential customer out of purchasing someone else's book in an attempt to sell one of theirs. Reports of this conduct will result in your being banned from in-person participation at future events. This is NOT tolerated in any form.
- In-person participants represent NIWA and therefore should dress neatly and conduct themselves in a professional manner - avoiding loud outbursts, making disparaging remarks about NIWA and/or its members or customers. Reports of this conduct will result in your being banned from in-person participation at future events. This is NOT tolerated in any form.
- As a bonus for those who staff our events: Staffing members may bring extra copies of their titles, including bundles, HOWEVER, the bulk of these are to be stored in their vehicles. They can bring a small tote (10"x13"x5") with added copies to the booth. These are to be stored until the ALL copies on the table of that title are sold. You can replenish the copies in the tote on a break as needed. The number of copies on the table should NOT exceed the event's book limit. (see section I. paragrah C.)
- ALL in-person staff are required to wear a lanyard with a NIWA name tag.
- At times, some events will require participants to dress in “costume” according to the theme of the event. Any costume requirements will be listed on the event sign up page. Please give consideration to this before you sign up.
- ALL STAFF MEMBERS are to assist with the set-up and tear-down of the booth. When the event is over, books should be carefully packed back into the bins. Tablecloths should be neatly folded and any soiled linens reported to the Lead.
- The Lead is the head of the crew of volunteers and should communicate with them to ensure the equipment and books are transported from the NIWA Storage and returning it. Being the Lead doesn't mean they have to transport everything themselves, they can delegate that task, however, it is their responsibility to see that it gets done. Some events may require more than one vehicle to transport what is needed. Therefore, the Lead needs to solicit help from members of their staff.
- The Lead will be asked to sign out the NIWA Tablet and Square and is accountable in the event it is lost, stolen, or damaged.
- There is to be only 1 designated cashier for the event. ALL SALES (cash, card), swag giveaways, and donations are to be entered into the Square. NO non-cashier staff member is to handle transactions. Direct the customer to the cashier to complete their purchase.
- The Lead is responsible for counting the cashbox at the end of each event day and reporting it to the Events director. After the event, the Lead will turn in the cash to the Storage Librarian.
- The Lead has 48hrs to ensure all equipment and the cashbox are returned to storage after the close of the event.
- The Lead is responsible for ensuring the booth/table is set up according to the NIWA standards. A floorplan is sent to the Leads along with the staffing info and master booklist.
Regarding the table set up –
NIWA members will do their very best to ensure the safety of all books at events; however, not every visitor to our table/booth may have honest intentions. Should a book be damaged or stolen, NIWA is not responsible for the loss. It is part of the risk we all take when participating in events.
NIWA members will do their very best to ensure the safety of all books at events; however, not every visitor to our table/booth may have honest intentions. Should a book be damaged or stolen, NIWA is not responsible for the loss. It is part of the risk we all take when participating in events.