September 2019
Mollie Hunt
Your new book, Cosmic Cat, is due to be released this month. From where did you draw your inspiration for this book?
I am a cat person. I am also a Trekkie. The idea of writing a cozy cat mystery with a Comic-con theme was, as Spock would say, only logical.
Do you work from an outline or are you a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants ("pantster") kind of writer and why?
No outlines. For me, the story writes itself. I'm just the one who manipulates the keyboard, often with a cat on my lap.
What was the hardest part of writing this book and why?
Promotion. Because I could be using the time to write another story.
We all love a hero. Was there a real-life inspiration behind your protagonist(s)? Please explain.
My hero Lynley Cannon is a sixty-something cat shelter volunteer who "finds more trouble than a cat in catnip." As a cat shelter volunteer myself, I take inspiration from the very real situations involved in animal rescue. Luckily my life doesn't turn to murder every few months like Lynley's. I suppose through her, I can change the world.
Is there a clear villain in your book and if so, how did you get in touch with your inner villain to write this book?
There is always a villain, but the villain, if human, has a good side as well. It's often a case of "There but for the grace of God go I..."
What are your future project(s)?
Lynley Cannon lives! In October, I will be publishing CAT NOEL, a Crazy Cat Lady Christmas novella. There are 2 more books in the works, CAT BY THE SEA and ADVENTURE CAT. I am also working on book 2 of the Cat Seasons sci-fantasy tetralogy where cats save the world- again!
Is there a message in your novel you hope readers will grasp?
if you can't adopt,
if you can't foster,
if you can't sponsor,
if you can't volunteer,
if you can't donate,
There is always a way to help the Furkids
That's a wonderful message. Thank you for taking the time to chat with us today.
You can find Mollie Hunt, Cat Writer on her blogsite: Email: [email protected]
Facebook Author Page:
I am a cat person. I am also a Trekkie. The idea of writing a cozy cat mystery with a Comic-con theme was, as Spock would say, only logical.
Do you work from an outline or are you a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants ("pantster") kind of writer and why?
No outlines. For me, the story writes itself. I'm just the one who manipulates the keyboard, often with a cat on my lap.
What was the hardest part of writing this book and why?
Promotion. Because I could be using the time to write another story.
We all love a hero. Was there a real-life inspiration behind your protagonist(s)? Please explain.
My hero Lynley Cannon is a sixty-something cat shelter volunteer who "finds more trouble than a cat in catnip." As a cat shelter volunteer myself, I take inspiration from the very real situations involved in animal rescue. Luckily my life doesn't turn to murder every few months like Lynley's. I suppose through her, I can change the world.
Is there a clear villain in your book and if so, how did you get in touch with your inner villain to write this book?
There is always a villain, but the villain, if human, has a good side as well. It's often a case of "There but for the grace of God go I..."
What are your future project(s)?
Lynley Cannon lives! In October, I will be publishing CAT NOEL, a Crazy Cat Lady Christmas novella. There are 2 more books in the works, CAT BY THE SEA and ADVENTURE CAT. I am also working on book 2 of the Cat Seasons sci-fantasy tetralogy where cats save the world- again!
Is there a message in your novel you hope readers will grasp?
if you can't adopt,
if you can't foster,
if you can't sponsor,
if you can't volunteer,
if you can't donate,
There is always a way to help the Furkids
That's a wonderful message. Thank you for taking the time to chat with us today.
You can find Mollie Hunt, Cat Writer on her blogsite: Email: [email protected]
Facebook Author Page: