The first installment of the No Sea Trilogy, a Young Adult Fantasy Romance clean enough for Tweens yet fun enough for Adults.
“Dealing with bullies was bad enough before
they had hundreds of razor sharp teeth...”
Lee’s tried her best to downplay her extraordinary swimming abilities. Who needs more attention when you’re already six feet tall at Fifteen? Can you say “bully magnet”? So when she’s sent to a land locked town in British Columbia to train with an elite swim team, Lee’s beyond horrified. Her summer is over before it even began. Now all she wants to do is get through it.
Practiced at evading teen politics, the droolworthy Minnesota boys and a feisty new friend from Boston offer some unanticipated new possibilities for Lee. But the venemous local Queen B hates her on sight, and is determined to take Lee down.
Then there’s Pete, the alluring boy Lee meets at the park. Alluring, heck, the guy’s freaking gorgeous! Hotness aside,Pete’s a bit..unusual, but connects with Lee in a way that she doesn’t understand. When he reveals himself to be a mythical aquatic creature, Lee’s swept into a whirlpool of emotions, magic, mystery... and danger.
When two worlds collide,
someone won’t be going home...
SEE NO SEA is a fun clean read about the internal struggle we all go through when trying to discover who we are. Accepted into Portland area local bookstores and requested for a couple junior high school libraries, it's a fun filled adventure for all. Take the plunge and dive into See No Sea!
- File Size: 2623 KB
- Print Length: 343 pages
- Publisher: Far Lands Publishing; Second Edition (October 23, 2015)
- Publication Date: October 23, 2015
- Language: English
- Genre: Fantasy Romance, YA
- Format: .mobi .epub